Streamlining Your Morning Routine: Time-Saving Tips for a Smooth Start to Your Day

A woman with short brown curly hair smiles as she hands a food container to a child with short curly hair wearing a backpack. The child's back is to the camera. They are standing in an organized kitchen.

Let’s face it. Getting out the door on time each morning can be a huge challenge. It doesn’t matter if you’re part of a bustling household with multiple children and other busy adults, or, as a completely random example, you’re a professional organizer with no children who just hates mornings. Your morning can set the tone for your entire day, and a chaotic start can lead to a day filled with stress feeling like you’re spending the whole day trying to catch up. In this blog post, we'll explore practical tips and strategies to help you save time in your morning routine, ensuring you start your day on a positive and productive note.

1. Plan Your Day the Night Before

If I could tell you the number of times I said to myself as my night winds down and I’m on my way to bed, “I’ll just do that in the morning,” I would be rich. But here’s what I learned. Morning Beth is not going to do that thing. Never. She’s not going to leave herself 10 extra minutes to stop for gas on the way to a client’s house. She’s not going to prep and pack her lunch. She’s not going to iron that shirt. So over the years I learned not to rely on Morning Beth and started putting Evening Beth on the job. And it turns out that by taking just a few extra minutes each night, my mornings got so much easier and stress-free.

With that in mind, here are a few things Evening You can do to give Morning You a little extra support.

Review Your schedule

Just take a minute to remind yourself what’s on your overall agenda for the next day to help you mentally prepare, know what type of wardrobe you need, and identify any unique items you’ll need to get you through the day.

Plan Your Clothes

Now that you know what’s on your and your kids’ agendas, decide what you'll wear the next day and set it aside. This eliminates the need to make decisions when you're groggy and pressed for time. Similarly if your children need help getting dressed in the morning, set out their next-day outfits as well. Depending on their ages, get them involved in the process. Let them choose between two options so they not only get some say in what they wear but they are also learning to incorporate next-day planning in their own nightly routines for when they become more independent.

Prepare Your Bag

Whether it's your work bag, gym bag, or kids' school bags, pack everything you need the night before. Ensure your keys, wallet, and any other essentials are ready to go.

Prepare Lunches

Whenever possible, plan and prepare what you and your children will have for lunch the next day. Cook, assemble, and pre-portion ahead of time so you can simply grab what you need for the day, throw it in a lunch bag with an ice pack, and head out the door.

Shower/Bathe at Night

It may seem like a minor change but saving even ten minutes in the morning can be a game-changer. Also you may be pleasantly surprised at how nice it feels to build showering into your nightly routines. Personally I like to shower as soon as I get home from work. Sometimes I have to if I’ve been working in a dusty basement or hot attic. But even when I haven’t gotten particularly sweaty that day, I love the ritual of “washing away” my workday and transitioning to At Home Me. It can also be a great way to calm your mind and body right before you crawl into bed, increasing your chances of a restful sleep.

2. Simplify Your Wardrobe

When I used to work in a corporate environment, I actually enjoyed putting together my daily outfits and accessories. It was kind of a fun creative outlet for me. When I began my organizing business and dresses, heels, and blazers were no longer practical, I learned to love having a daily “uniform.” It is so freeing to never have to plan my daily outfit. My biggest decision is leggings vs joggers or logo t-shirt vs logo sweatshirt. I’ve saved money and I’ve saved time. Of course athleisure is not appropriate for every profession, but you can realize similar benefits by scaling down your wardrobe. If possible, invest in versatile, timeless pieces that you can mix and match. This makes outfit planning easier and less time-consuming.

3. Prepare Breakfast in Advance

A nutritious breakfast doesn't have to be time-consuming. Here are a few smart strategies:

  • Meal prep: Prepare breakfast items in bulk over the weekend. Options like overnight oats, smoothie packs, and egg muffins can be stored in the fridge or freezer and quickly reheated.

  • Grab-and-go options: Keep a stock of healthy grab-and-go items like yogurt, fruit, and granola bars for days when you're in a rush.

  • Streamline your coffee routine: If you're a coffee drinker, consider investing in a programmable coffee maker. Set it up the night before so your coffee is ready when you wake up. I set mine up every day when I’m cleaning up after dinner.

4. Establish a Consistent Wake-Up Time

I can’t lie. This one is a struggle for me. On weekends or home office days when I don’t have a client session for which I have to get up at a specific time, I like to sleep in. However when I allow my wake-up time to fluctuate, I have a much more difficult time waking up to an alarm on the days I do have an early schedule. As much as I hate to admit it, waking up at different times each days makes you groggier and less productive. Consistency can lead to more efficient mornings and better overall sleep quality. I promise to try to be more consistent if you will. Deal?

5. Delegate and Share Responsibilities

This is a topic about which I am deeply passionate. Having dealt with extreme burnout myself and see it every day amongst my clients, I strongly believe that there needs to be more equitable distribution of responsibilities in households. Additionally many children are not learning valuable time management and personal responsibility lessons if they are not given an appropriate share of ongoing household tasks.

If you live with family members or roommates, don't hesitate to delegate morning tasks. Sharing responsibilities can significantly reduce the time and stress of your routine. For example:

  • Split breakfast duties: Take turns preparing breakfast or setting the table.

  • Share household tasks: Assign specific age-appropriate chores, like feeding pets or taking out the trash, to different members of the household.

  • Coordinate schedules: Communicate and plan your morning routines together to avoid conflicts and ensure everyone gets out the door on time.

An elementary-school-aged girl washes dishes in a sink

6. Declutter and Organize

Obviously I have to put a plug in for minimizing and creating organizational systems. So much time can be saved by knowing exactly where the things you need are located and by reducing the number of things you need to keep track of. Keep in mind that maintaining this is an ongoing practice. It includes regularly reviewing and purging as well as building daily habits of returning items to their proper “homes.”

7. Evaluate and Adjust Your Routine

Your morning routine should be flexible and adaptable to your needs. Regularly evaluate what's working and what isn't, and make adjustments as necessary. Keep experimenting with different strategies until you find the perfect balance that saves you time and sets a good tone for your day.


A well-structured morning routine can be a game-changer for your daily productivity and well-being. By planning ahead and simplifying tasks, you can save time and start your day on a positive note. Implement these tips and watch as your mornings become smoother, calmer, and more efficient.


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